
28 June 2024

Barcelona Energia creix a l’àrea metropolitana i registra un augment del 12% en el subministrament d’energia verda

18 June 2024

El Grup TERSA forma part del jurat dels Premis Futur Cambra Barcelonès Nord 2024

10 June 2024

SIRESA posa en marxa la campanya de reducció del soroll de l’oci nocturn

Waste management

We evaluate different residue fractions, recuperating them, reusing them, and transforming them into energy, that way reducing their environmental impact.


Renewable energy

We generate and sell energy from renewable sources to contribute to a new more sustainable energy model.

Sustainability promotion

We work to promote the citizen commitment to sustainability promoting practices that are more respectful with the environment.



TERSA Group, formed by TERSA, SEMESA, and SIRESA, with more than 35 years of history, is a public company for environmental services related to circular economy, evaluation of residues, generation and commercialisation of renewable energies, and promotion of citizen commitment to sustainability.

More than 300 professionals form part of TERSA Group, all united by the commitment to sustainability, innovation, and transparency.