Barcelona + Sostenible
Barcelona + Sostenible is the network of more than 1,300 organisations committed to environmental, social and economic sustainability that is collectively building a responsible city for people and the environment.
The network is formed by citizen entities, business and commerce companies, educational centres, universities, professional colleges and administrations. Each organisation joins the Barcelona + Sostenible network by signing the Compromís Ciutadà per la Sostenibilitat 2012-2022 and contributing to transformation of the city with its actions. The members of B+S promote sustainability measures in their organisations, sharing good practices, and developing projects with others forming part of the network.
Compromís Ciutadà per la Sostenibilitat was published in 2002, this is a referential document for all citizen organisations wanting to contribute to the improvement of Barcelona. The Commitment was renewed for another 10 years in 2012.

Programs and Services
SIRESA, commissioned by the Barcelona Council, manages the Technical Secretariats of the following programmes:
Entitats i Empreses + Sostenibles
Escoles + Sostenibles
Comerç + Sostenible
Barris + Sostenibles
Environmental Educational Documentation Service
The Environmental Educational Documentation Service is a documentation centre specialized in information and educational resources adapted to people and institutions interested in sustainability education, mainly in the urban area.