We are committed to transparent management, based on sharing true information with all internal and external levels of the organisation, to transmit trust and promote co-responsibility.
TERSA Group has different management systems, externally audited and certified that sustain the transparency of the information and of the company processes.
Board of Directors
The government and administration of the three companies forming TERSA Group corresponds to their respective Boards of Directors.
Management Committee
The Management Committee is responsible of the executive management of TERSA Group.
Group Structure
The main structure of group is formed by TERSA and its affiliates SEMESA and SIRESA, both companies owned 100% by TERSA. The group also participates in other companies.
Strategic planning
The TERSA Group has a strategic plan structured in six work programmes: Values/CSR, Cohesion, Knowledge, Customers, Industry and Brand.
Compliance Programme
The TERSA Group is committed to values like integrity, transparency and sustainability. It, therefore, has a Crime Prevention Programme, also known as Compliance, a tool for preventing and combatting any type of corruption, other eventual crimes and non-compliance.
Ethics Mailbox
The Ethics Mailbox is a secure and confidential communication channel that the TERSA group makes available to the professional team and the public to answer queries or report any breach of the Code of Ethics or the company’s internal regulations, as well as the law in force.
Please send all queries you may have to the Ethics Mailbox.
Environment and Quality
Integrated Management System Policy
TERSA Group has an Integrated Management System Policy for quality, environment, and occupational risk prevention, to establish and revise the objectives and define the main commitments with those different groups of interest they relate to.
Environmental declaration
The EMAS provides greater credibility, transparency and efficiency to environmental management, that way responding to the main challenges in this area facing companies these days: the efficient use of resources, actuations against climate change, and corporate social responsibility.
Certifications of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards for the activities developed in relation to waste-to-energy, lightweight packaging selection, treatment of bulky waste, and management of collection centres. As well as ISO 50001 standard certification for the Sant Adrià de Besòs Waste-to-Energy Plant, the biogas energy production Plant, the photovoltaic installations, and Barcelona Energia.
TERSA Group is also successfully registered in the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).
Corporate Social Responsibility
Sustainability Report
As an instrument for transparency, the Sustainability Report includes a detailed and complete report of the activity of the three companies forming part of the Group, TERSA, SEMESA and SIRESA, as well as the actuations carried out in Strategic Plan framework and of their environmental and social economic commitment.
Production Report
Report of the TERSA Group production data of its different activities:
Responsible purchase and contracting Guide
TERSA Group has a Responsible purchase and contracting Guide that establishes the social and environmental criteria for the promotion of sustainable, social and fair contracting.
Compromís Ciutadà per una Barcelona + Sostenible Sostenibilitat
TERSA Group has signed Compromís Ciutadà per una Barcelona + Sostenible 2024-2034 for a more equative, prosperous and self-sufficient city.
Organisational Information
The main structure of group is formed by TERSA and its affiliates SEMESA and SIRESA, both companies owned 100% by TERSA.
The organisational structure of Tractament i Eliminació de Residus, S.A. (TERSA) is based on two important axes:
Decision structure
Board of Directors: maximum decision making body of the company. Consisting of a maximum of fourteen members that periodically meets after a call by its president or whoever substitutes the same.
Management structure
This is the internal structure of the company. It is headed by the General Manager, as maximum director, and is formed by persons specialised in the different areas of responsibility.
The body that examines and adopts the agreements or decisions related to management of the company is the Management Committee, which meets every week.
Global vision of the assignment of responsibilities in the management structure.
The organisational structure of Selectives Metropolitanes, S.A. (SEMESA) is based on two important axes:
The decision structure
Board of Directors: maximum decision making body of the company. Consisting of a maximum of seven members that periodically meets after a call by its president or whoever substitutes the same.
The Chief Executive Officer and the general manager coordinate and monitor operations of the company, and meet every week.
The management structure
This is the internal structure of the company. It is headed by the General Manager and is formed by persons specialised in the different areas of responsibility.
Global vision of the assignment of responsibilities in the management structure.
The organisational structure of Solucions Integrals per als Residus S.A. (SIRESA) is based on two important axes:
The decision structure
Board of Directors: maximum decision making body of the company. Consisting of a maximum of nine members that periodically meets after a call by its president or whoever substitutes the same.
The Chief Executive Officer and the general manager coordinate and monitor operations of the company, and meet every week.
The management structure
This is the internal structure of the company. It is headed by the General Manager and is formed by persons specialised in the different areas of responsibility.
Global vision of the assignment of responsibilities in the management structure.
Legal Information
Consolidated text of the Capital Companies Law approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010 of July 2.
Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information and good governance.
Law 19/2014 of transparency, access to public information and good governance, approved by the Parliament of Catalonia
Law 37/2007, of 16 November, on the reuse of public sector information
Law 7/2022, of 8 April, on waste and contaminated soil for a circular economy.
Royal Decree 815/2013, of 18 October, approving the Regulation on industrial emissions and development of Law 16/2002, of 1 July, on integrated pollution prevention and control.
Law 20/2009, of 4 December, on prevention and environmental control of activities.
Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23, which approves the revised text of the Law on the Workers' Statute
Royal Legislative Decree 8/2015, of October 30, which approves the revised text of the Law of General of Social Security
Royal Decree 439/2007, of March 30, which approves the Regulation of personal income tax and modifies the Regulation of pension plans and funds, approved by Royal Decree 304/2004, of February 20
Law 31/1995, of November 8, on the prevention of occupational hazards.
Royal Decree 486/1997 of April 14, which establishes the minimum safety and health provisions in workplaces.
Royal Decree 1215/1997, of July 18, which establishes the minimum safety and health provisions for the use of work equipment by workers.
Royal Decree 1627/1997, of October 24, which establishes the minimum health and safety provisions in the construction works
Law 9/2017, of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts, transposing into Spanish law the Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council 2014/23/EU and 2014/24/EU, of 26 February 2014.
Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.
Public procurement
Minor contracts
Emergency contracts
Queries regarding transparency